Mathematical Modelling for Transport – a new MSc for a rapidly evolving sector

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While mathematical models have been relied upon to understand, analyse and design transportation systems for many decades [1], such models face challenges due to our living in a time of rapid change. New technologies are being harnessed to deliver new mobility services, and huge volumes of data promise to reveal our changing patterns of movement.

Traditional transport engineering programmes expose students to some of the standard models that are used in practice, but very few give in-depth treatment to the innovation and development of mathematical models – how do we adapt existing models and create new ones to tackle scenarios faced by the transport sector today and in the future? Furthermore, little attention has previously been given to dealing with large volumes of data in terms of data management, synthesis, analysis and visualisation.

This programme was developed in response to industry needs

Early in 2015 I interviewed a variety of transport professionals to discuss the current state of transport modelling: were there any significant new challenges? What sort of skills were they looking for in graduates?

Clearly there continues to be a need for planners, engineers and economists, but to add to these teams, there was a unanimous desire to find technically adept modellers. Again and again I heard comments such as the following:

We need modellers who are flexible and can apply their skills to new problems. They need to understand the assumptions and limitations of the models being used. They need some programming skills; to be able to write custom scripts to tweak existing models or software. They need to be able to handle data (not just in excel) and bring data together from different sources.

It is not only the volume of data that can be an obstacle, but also the need to clean, filter, collate and transform raw data into something useful, and then to align and synthesise data from different sources: Bluetooth detectors, traffic flow measurements, weather records, GPS tracks, mobile phone data etc. Clearly this is a rapidly growing challenge for transport analysts.

It is important to note that alongside the ability to address new technical challenges, it is also crucial that this new generation of transport modellers understand existing, accepted, transport models, which remain the foundation for government policy and are used, for example, to determine whether major infrastructure investment is justified. Innovators will need to understand and respect established methodologies and guidance, and leverage them in developing new advanced approaches.

There is significant demand for technically adept modellers in the transport sector

This new programme is not only designed to satisfy a clear need from the transport industry, there is also enormous potential for students with these skills in academic research and this programme would be the perfect stepping stone toward a PhD. A couple of examples:

We are witnessing incredibly rapid expansion in the instrumentation of infrastructure, vehicles and individuals (via mobile devices and smart ticketing) which is already bringing an avalanche of data. These data undoubtedly hold the potential for new understanding about mobility patterns and travel choices, and hence the possibility to improve transport provision. It is an active research challenge to integrate data science with established transport modelling approaches.

Advances in technology keep changing our visions of the future. It now seems reasonable that autonomous vehicles should be included in a 50 year strategic transport plan, but how? Representations of autonomous vehicles in transport models and how they might change future mobility is another important research area.

Imagining possible futures for interconnected complex systems of transportation needs mathematically fluent researchers.

The core content of the MSc Mathematical Modelling for Transport focuses on several key areas:

  • How to use mathematical models to represent transport systems, for understanding, forecasting and design/optimisation.
  • How to apply models to tackle real world scale transport issues using commercial software.
  • How to handle, manage and analyse large data sets.

In a one year programme it would be impossible to cover all of the mathematical models used in transport. The aim of this programme is not to exhaustively recite all possible models, but rather to develop modelling skills so that students can tackle new scenarios in a flexible way, modifying existing models, borrowing techniques from other disciplines and writing bits of code to implement them. This requires a good grounding in mathematics (being comfortable with equations) in order to grasp the usefulness and limitations of different modelling approaches, and hence be able to justify the validity of new solutions to new problems.

The Institute for Transport Studies

We have a very strong international reputation for research and teaching. In particular we have genuine world class expertise in mathematical modelling and data science, and these experts will be delivering this programme. Students will have the opportunity to work in small groups with world leading researchers, and on a one-to-one basis during their dissertation.

How to apply

Applications are encouraged from those with a solid understanding of mathematics. What do we mean by this? Any degree with advanced mathematics modules would be sufficient e.g. mathematics, physics, computer science etc. However there will be many people who have the appropriate level of maths from programmes such as engineering or economics, or due to other education/experience. As with our other MSc programmes, we are always happy to advise prospective student on their suitability

The programme is available either for full-time study (12 months) or part-time (typically over 24-36 months but flexible). The first student intake is September 2016 and we are offering a number of scholarships to help with the tuition fees.

For further details please see

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Dr Richard Connors
Programme Leader

[1] Arguably since 1736

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‘Hands off’ – research into self-driving cars accelerates

You step into the driving seat of your car then shut the door. Turning on the engine, you gather your notes for the meeting ahead, a 45-minute drive away. You make a call back to the office, asking for the minutes from last month’s management conference to be emailed over. You sit back and relax, whilst scanning through the notes. “You have arrived at your destination” announces the on-board computer. You are using a self-driving car. This could be you, much sooner than you think.

Driverless technology gathers speed
Advancements in driver assistance systems has gathered pace over the last 40 years. Most cars now come with automated features as standard, including anti-lock brake systems, cruise control and collision avoidance. Now, the focus is on self-driving technology. Google has already built prototype vehicles and Tesla and Uber are also experimenting with automation. Self-driving car concepts dominated this year’s Geneva Motor Show with models showing what the future of self-driving could look like. There is a lot of excitement around this technology, and rightly so – for it may have huge potential to help those people who can’t drive: the elderly, disabled and those without a driving licence. However, the most eagerly anticipated benefit is that they reduce the number of vehicle accidents by eliminating human error.

Safety and driver assistance systems
A timeline of how driver assistance systems have evolved:

  • 1971 – ABS prevents wheel lock-up to maintain friction between wheel and road surface.
  • 1995 – Electronic Stability Control maintains directional controllability through brake intervention.
  • 1999 – Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) replaces the driver in the car following task by driving at a set headway.
  • 2000 – Lane Departure Warning
  • 2005 – Blind Spot Warning to assist in lane changing.
  • 2006 – Lane Keeping System applies corrective steering responses to steer the vehicle back into lane.
  • 2006 – Forward Collision Warning
  • 2007 – Collision Warning with Auto Brake intervenes in potential rear-end collisions if the driver does not react.
  • 2007 – Stop and Go extends ACC to stop and start traffic.
  • 2010 – Volvo Cars Pedestrian Detection with Full Auto Brake.
  • 2011 – Mercedes Active Lane Keeping Assist applies brakes if it senses the vehicle is drifting out of lane.
  • 2013 – Volvo Cars Cyclist Detection with Full Auto Brake.

University of Leeds in the driving seat
Leeds is a leader in this field of research. Our Driving Simulator – one of the most advanced driving simulators in a research environment – is a great tool for understanding how people behave whilst in a self-driving car on a ‘real’ motorway. Academics at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) are researching safety, human factors and the effects this technology may have on our environment.

Safety first
Oliver Carsten, Professor of Transport Safety thinks that self-driving vehicles would save a lot of crashes by cars on the road ‘communicating’ with each other and reacting faster than a human could in the event of an impending incident – “We wouldn’t have problems with distraction, fatigue, speeders, drunk drivers or drivers under the influence of drugs.” However, Tyron Louw, a human factors expert working at the University on understanding driver interaction with automated vehicles, thinks that full automation is a long way off. “For the foreseeable future, automation technology in vehicles will still require the driver to take control in some situations, and because we know driver error has some role in the majority of crashes, we need to look closely at that interaction,” says Tyron. “It is our goal, as human factors experts, to understand drivers’ capabilities and limitations in this new environment, because automation is marching towards us and humans aren’t going anywhere.”

Human factors
Extensive research is being conducted by Leeds academics into human factors, looking at whether humans are able to intervene if something doesn’t go to plan in a fully autonomous self-driving car. In a Leeds TEDx presentation, Tyron Louw explained why research in this area is particularly crucial to the technology’s implementation: “Little attention is given to how it will affect us as drivers and whether we are actually ready for it,” said Tyron. “It’s not only about whether we are happy to use a self-driving car, but whether we are capable of using one?” As automated systems become more and more sophisticated, potential problems with how we interact with them will naturally evolve. However, if there is an understanding of how and why humans interact in the way they do, then these problems may be diminished and car manufacturers can be more informed when designing these systems.

It is easy to assume that the only group of people to study when researching and even talking about self-driving cars are the people in the vehicle, but cyclists and pedestrians also need to be considered.  Dr Natasha Merat, Associate Professor, has been conducting research in this area and has collected data on what pedestrians and cyclists want to see happen with self-driving cars. As part of a CityMobil2 project, Dr Merat has conducted surveys to understand if these groups can share the road with self-driving cars – particularly in relation to low-speed vehicles. Whether pedestrians and cyclists will be able to operate on roads where self-driving cars run to the speed limits in the future needs more research.

Dr Merat heads the Institute’s Safety and Technology research group which focuses on new technology and how road users can benefit from that technology. The group is steering the focus onto human interaction, performance and behaviour when using vehicles at different levels of automation.

The University’s Driving Simulator helps improve understanding of human interaction. Researchers can manipulate a scenario in the simulator and compare human reaction when driving normally and when in a self-driving car. Current findings show that in the majority of situations, human reaction time is slower when someone is in a self-driving vehicle and suddenly has to switch it to manual drive, than if they had to react to a situation when driving normally. For Dr Merat, this could be due to a number of reasons: “Firstly, they may assume the automation has driving matters under control and as a result become complacent. Or, they become distracted whilst concentrating on other tasks and by the time they realise they need to resume control, it is too late.”

Watch the human response when a self-driving vehicle encounters a hazard:

[Video: this experiment demonstrates that extensive research into human factors is needed and is a prime example of the risk of people become too trusting of computerised driving systems.]

Helping the environment?
There’s no doubting that, without human intervention, self-driving cars could optimise energy efficiency, but will they really bring environmental benefits? Alongside US academics, Dr Zia Wadud, who holds a joint appointment with ITS and the University’s Centre for Integrated Energy Research has recently looked into such effects. Dr Wadud found that the introduction of self-driving cars would increase car use, resulting in an overall 2-10% increase in energy consumption. Increased car use would come, in part, from inviting those who cannot drive a manual car onto the roads, such as the elderly and those with disabilities.

However, Dr Wadud does recognise some potential energy benefits. If there was widespread adoption of self-driving cars on the road, cars could communicate with each other to create a “platoon”, meaning that vehicles would face less air resistance and therefore deliver a 4-25% reduction in energy consumption. And if vehicles can interact with each other and road infrastructure, such as transport control systems, this will lead to a smoother traffic flow, meaning less congestion on roads and an energy use reduction of up to 4%.

Planes, trains or self-driving automobiles?
So what would happen to public transport that so many of us currently use? Dr Wadud has looked into what other factors people find important when travelling, for example, time efficiency, and applied this in the context of self-driving. “When you make a decision about transport, you also take into account non-financial costs.” Dr Zia Wadud. One of the current advantages of public transport is that it not only allows you to relax, but also to use your time doing other things, such as reading and work. But what if you could do these things in a self-driving car, whilst also enjoying privacy and convenience? “That changes the whole equation,” says Dr Wadud. His research shows that these attractive benefits of a self-driving car could result in an increase of 60% in car travel in the US. Although it might be a more enjoyable ride for us, this could have damaging consequences for those with jobs in the transport industry. Once self-driving cars are on the road, it is only a matter of time before other modes of transport – including public transport – will also become automated. Indeed, there are already automated buses in Europe.

Sharing culture
Another area for consideration is whether people will become more concerned about the technology and software in the self-driving car than the hardware. If people are less interested in the latter, this could reshape the whole industry model and prove a threat to manufacturers. People may also begin to feel less emotionally attached to cars that they are not driving themselves, making less sense to have one of your own, leading to a car-sharing culture. Professor Oliver Carsten identifies that this poses a huge challenge for manufacturers, because it is likely that people will end up not wanting to own cars but just want to use them. Dr Zia Wadud believes sharing offer a large potential to reduce the environmental and energy impacts. He suggests that in a sharing or automated taxi model, the size of the self-driving car can be matched with the trip and occupancy type: a small car used for a one-person commute, and a larger car for a family trip. If this was taken on, it could reduce energy demand by 21% to 45%.

The road ahead
Before self-driving cars enter our roads, there are still many questions that need to be answered. How will our road regulations and laws change when self-driving cars are introduced? Do people even want to use self-driving cars? Questions surrounding driver liability have also been sparked following a recent collision involving a Google self-driving car and a bus; the vehicle assumed the bus would slow down to let the car pull out – which it didn’t, resulting in a crash. Who is to blame? “If it’s a truly self-driving, fully automated car,” says Professor Carsten, “then the car is responsible.” Volvo Cars has announced that it will accept full responsibility for the actions of its self-driving cars when in Autopilot mode – potentially starting a trend for other manufacturers to follow. As self-driving technology advances, legal experts will have to look more closely at important issues of liability and responsibility if the technology is to truly become a part of our transport system. So when can we expect self-driving cars to be on our roads? Dr Natasha Merat thinks it depends on what level of automation these self-driving cars possess and believes that we are 20 years away from full automation, whilst Professor Oliver Carsten believes we could have some self-driving cars on our roads in less than 10 years.
In other words, don’t take your hands off the wheel just yet.


Will driverless cars increase our reliance on roads?

New research warns that driverless vehicles could intensify car use, reducing or even eliminating promised energy savings and environmental benefits.

Development of autonomous driving systems has accelerated rapidly since the unveiling of Google’s driverless car in 2012, and energy efficiency due to improved traffic flow has been touted as one of the technology’s key advantages.  However, new collaborative research by the University of Leeds, University of Washington and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, says its actual impact may be complicated by how the technology changes our relationship with our cars.


The research, published in the journal Transportation Research Part A, was led by Dr Zia Wadud, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and research group leader in the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS).

Dr Wadud said: “There is no doubt that vehicle automation offers several efficiency benefits, but if you can work, relax and even hold a meeting in your car that changes how you use it.  That, in turn, may change the transport equation and the energy and environmental impact of road transport.”

The study uses analysis of self-driving technology combined with data on car and truck use, driver licenses, and vehicle running costs to model the impact on energy demand of various levels of automation on US roads by 2050.  It identifies several efficiency benefits of self-driving cars and predicts ranges of likely energy impacts, depending on the extent of adoption of the technology and other factors:

  • More efficient computer-directed driving styles (0% to 20% reduction in energy use).
  • Improved traffic flow and reduced jams because of coordination between vehicles (0% to 4% reduction).
  • “Platooning” of automated vehicles driving very close together to create aerodynamic savings (4% to 25% reduction).
  • Reduced crash risks mean that cars can be lighter (5% to 23% reduction).
  • Less emphasis from car buyers on high performance (5% to 23% reduction).

But the study also predicts that the very attractiveness of self-driving technology could reduce or even outweigh the efficiency gains. It estimates a 5% to 60% increase in car energy consumption due to people choosing to use highly automated cars in situations where they would have previously taken alternative transport (e.g. trains or planes).

Dr Wadud said: “When you make a decision about transport, you don’t just think about the out-of-pocket costs of the train ticket or the car’s petrol; you also take into account non-financial costs. Car owners might choose to travel by train to relatively distant business meetings because the train allows them to work and relax. The need to drive is part of the cost of choosing the car, just as standing on a cold platform is part of the cost of the train. If you can relax in your car as it safely drives itself to a meeting in another city that changes the whole equation.”

The study also predicts that people who currently find it difficult or impossible to drive, such as the elderly or some people with disabilities, will have increased access to road transport with the advent of the new systems, resulting in an estimated 2% to 10% increase in road energy use for personal travel. Possible higher speed limits because of the improved safety of autonomous cars (7% to 22%) and demand for heavy extra equipment in driverless cars such as TV screens and computers (0% to 11%) might also tend to reduce efficiency savings.

A major uncertainty is the effect of autonomous driving technology on car sharing. The technology could allow vehicles to move independently between different users and therefore not only increase sharing but possibly also make it easier for users to match trip types to car types. Instead of using one car for all journeys, users might be able to use a shared, smaller car for a commute and a larger one for family leisure trips, for example. The authors say these factors could reduce energy consumption by 21% to 45%.

Co-author Don MacKenzie, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington, said: “There is lots of hype around self-driving cars, much of it somewhat utopian in nature. But there are likely to be positives and negatives. By taking a clear-eyed view, we can design and implement policies to maximise the benefits and minimise the downsides of automated vehicles. Vehicle automation presents a paradox: it may encourage people to travel much more, but at the same time it makes it practical to implement tools such as road pricing that can offset those effects. Ultimately, however, it’s up to the government to set appropriate policies to manage these impacts.”

Co-author Paul Leiby, Distinguished Research Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, said: “Because automation has the potential to provide convenient, lower cost mobility, we see it could have large implications for transportation demand, energy use and resulting CO2 emissions, by both passengers and freight.  For example, low cost automated trucking could shift more freight away from efficient railways to trucks. To make continued progress in reducing carbon emissions from light-duty vehicles and large trucks in the face of expanded mobility, it will be essential to couple vehicle automation with the extensive use of advanced low-carbon vehicles, like electric or hydrogen vehicles.”

The study says many of the energy benefits of self-driving technology could be delivered by systems that still require the human driver to pay attention to the road and therefore do not radically alter transport decision making. The authors suggest that policymakers could focus less on accelerating the introduction of complete automation and more on promoting aspects of automation with positive environmental outcomes. For instance, regulators could encourage standardisation of car networking protocols to allow vehicles to communicate with each other on the road and therefore deliver benefits such as “platooning”. The researchers warn that, if a high level of automation becomes the norm, it may be necessary to financially intervene in transport decisions. For example, self-driving cars’ navigation and communication systems could be used as a basis for road pricing schemes to control congestion and reduce overall travel demand.

Further information
A policy briefing is available here:

Z. Wadud et al. ‘Help or hindrance? The travel, energy and carbon impacts of highly automated vehicles’ is published in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

Introducing the MSc Transport Economics

By Dr. Phill Wheat


September 2016 will see the launch of the new MSc Transport Economics programme at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. This course will equip a new generation of economics professionals to develop in the transport sector. Our future graduates will contribute to addressing key challenges such as improving infrastructure resilience and climate change mitigation, investing for future growth whilst balancing health and environmental impacts of transport and effective economic regulation and incentives to promote high quality and cost efficient service delivery.

A solid base- World leading alumni
Seasoned observers will note that our existing course MA Transport Economics has been a feature of our teaching offering over a number of years (and even decades!). Our students are highly sought after by employers and a number of students yield jobs directly from our employer interview programme, where employers approach ITS to come and interview our students (usually in February each year). Other students, who are sponsored by their employer quickly, accelerate their career progression on completion of the course. Past students hold or have held many senior positions in diverse organisations including:
• Asian Development Bank
• UK government organisations including Office for Rail and Road, Civil Aviation Authority and Department for Transport
• Government ministries across the globe both in transport ministries and finance ministries.
• World Wide Transport Consultants
• Economic and Management Consultants including NERA and KPMG

We also have a strong track record of students who have used the Transport Economics course as a stepping stone to PhD research in transport economics. The strong emphasis on micro economics, transport applications and research skills (especially in the dissertation), equips students to undertake PhD research. Many PhD students have subsequently gone on to high profile careers within academia.

Examples of our alumni can be found here.

More than a name change – Enhanced micro economics and embedding key employability skills
The new offering is more than a name change from MA to MSc. We have consulted with students, examiners and employers to understand student and industry needs and aligned our programme to best meet these. In particular the new course will:
• Strengthen our economic appraisal teaching through a new module Economic Appraisal and Economic Performance. This module will equip our students to contribute to the key issues in economic appraisal including the interface between transport and the wider economy.
• Maintain our core micro economics and econometrics teaching to provide our students with a distinctive and in depth economic understanding of issues in transport.
• Expose our students to the multi-disciplinary nature of transport research through our new ‘Shaping Future Transport Systems’ module where students will gain understanding as to how their discipline interacts with planners and engineers to solve grant challenges in the sector
• Give our students first-hand experience in working in multidisciplinary team environment in order to develop and justify a broadly-based solution to a realistic and meaningful transport problem in our second semester Transport Integrated Project module
• Continue to provide students with the opportunity to undertake their own independent research in the form of a dissertation. This can be a student selected topic (perhaps from their country of origin) or one from our extensive list of topics (last year we had over 200 industry and staff suggested topics).

How to apply
Applications are encouraged from those with economics experience. A first or good second class honours degree, or equivalent in Economics (single or joint) is required. However applications from other graduates (particularly in quantitative subjects) and those with professional qualifications plus experience in the sector will also be considered on a case-by-case basis.

For more details see or contact Dr Phill Wheat

Millennials on the move in the UK, US and Australia

In January 2016, Dr Alexa Delbosc spent two weeks visiting ITS Leeds from ITS Monash in Melbourne Australia.  Alexa is a leading researcher on the changing mobility of the millennial generation in Australia.  This topic has recently gained much attention in the developed world as millennials are taking longer to get a driving license, driving less and using public transport more than previous generations of young people.  During her visit, Alexa has been collaborating with Prof. Karen Lucas and Prof. Noreen McDonald.  She summarised the state of research into millennials at the first ITS Research Seminar Series for 2016:


Karen, Alexa  and Noreen (pictured L-R below) have begun to compare the changing travel habits of millennials in the UK, US and Australia and will continue this research after Alexa’s return to Australia.  A comparative analysis will highlight the impact of land-use, density and city size on auto-mobility and public transport use of young adults.

This work will also be shared in an upcoming special session on young people’s travel behaviours and life choices to be held at the World Conference of Transport Research in July.  In the meantime, if you’re interested in the travel behaviour of young adults feel free to contact Alexa at



National Infrastructure Commission – Northern Connectivity Consultation

Response to National Infrastructure Commission‘s call for evidence

Professor Peter Mackie, Professor Greg Marsden, Professor Chris Nash, Professor Simon Shepherd, Dr Andrew Smith, Dr Tony Whiteing, Tom Worsley.

Executive Summary

  • Transport for the North (TfN) should be given responsibility for preparing a Northern Infrastructure Plan comparable to the 2050 London Infrastructure Plan.
  • Better inter-regional connectivity has a role to play within a broader plan, but this proposition needs to be much more securely evidence-based. The Commission should spell out what would constitute convincing evidence.
  • The scheme ideas set out in the Nov 2015 TfN report all require consideration. They are long term in nature and need to be complemented by a medium term strategy which builds on what we have.
  • The international transport infrastructure is adequate for the markets it serves.
  • TfN should have a budget to enable it to promote additional regional transport investment and should have a seat at the table with national government and its agencies in the studies and deliberations which lead up to transport infrastructure decisions.


1. The questions in the consultation are challenging in themselves but need to be addressed in a broad strategic policy context which is even more challenging. This is, in essence, the nature of the national and regional problems which the Northern Powerhouse concept is designed to address. What are we trying to do?

2. We see a number of components to the answer

  • There is a longstanding productivity gap, which is at the heart of the North/South divide, the causes of which require analysis.
  • The marginal social cost of expanding the capacity of London and the SE in energy, waste management, water and transport infrastructure is very great and the constraints on land development for all uses are acute. This provides an opportunity for cost-effective policy interventions aimed at spatial rebalancing to happen.
  • There is a need to deal with a medium-term national population projection of more rapid growth than has been the norm.

3. We think this policy context needs spelling out clearly as an essential precursor to the downstream questions about the transport sector. Within the timescale of the Commission’s report, a clear description of the issues and their underlying causes is required, possibly together with some high level ‘cartoon’ strategies for addressing them. We recognise this may be pushing the boundaries of the terms of reference, but the greatest value added the Commission can offer in three months is to locate the potential contribution of connectivity within a secure overall analysis.

4.  An indication of the constraints facing London and the South East is provided in the Mayor’s 2050 London Infrastructure Plan. There is no comparable plan for the rest of the country which covers the infrastructure in all sectors that might be required to facilitate economic development and accommodate population growth. As part of the way forward, we would like to see the Commission’s report recommend that Transport for the North should be given responsibility for preparing such a Plan for the North of England. This would have twin purposes—to address the substantive questions above and to provide a space for regional political leadership to engage in a dialogue.

Q1 Are weaknesses in transport connectivity holding back Northern city regions?

5.  Better inter-regional connectivity has a role to play within a broader plan but this proposition needs to be much more securely evidence-based. The Commission should spell out what would constitute convincing evidence.

6.  The aim of the Northern Transport Strategy is to improve connectivity between the major cities of the region. The creation of a single economy across the north with cities specialising in what they do best and employees having access to a larger labour market will, the March 2015 Northern Powerhouse report suggests, achieve the objective of rebalancing the economy of the north ( HMG/TfN Mar 2015)

7.  Yet the evidence behind this claim is thin, relying largely on comparisons with other European city clusters rather than on analysis of the causes of differential regional growth in this country. And while the evidence on transport’s role in boosting productivity through improving city centre connectivity is robust, there is a lack of regional trade data on which to base evidence of the impact of improved inter-city links on productivity growth through specialisation, economies of scale and gains from trade. Below, we suggest some elements of a work programme to help fill this crucial gap.

8.  The impact of transport infrastructure on the economy will come about via the initial pathway of improved accessibility. Therefore a secure analysis of the accessibility problems and the contribution made by improved inter-city connectivity is a crucial component of the study. This is obvious to state but not easy to deliver and here we note a few points :

  • Intra-urban accessibility is very important. The urban networks have seen relatively little improvement since the introduction of urban traffic control and the LRT schemes in Sheffield, and Tyne and Wear. Manchester LRT is the exception which proves the rule. Much infrastructure is showing its age. The peak period has gradually spread to around 5 hours per day with urban peak car speeds around 10mph and peak bus speeds in Leeds and Manchester little better than 5mph. We would therefore argue that an essential priority is to invest in improving urban accessibility so as to make the cities (even) more attractive places for people to live and work. That involves big funding, governance and delivery challenges.
  • Most journeys are not city centre to city centre. There is a sense in which the door to door experience is only as good as the intra-urban networks. So, to take a random example, halving the journey time between Leeds City and Manchester Piccadilly only reduces the journey time between Headingley and Manchester University by around a quarter. This has strong implications for the use of models such as PLANET Strategic — even more than for HS2, the quality of the representation of the access legs of the journey and of the data describing the journey patterns are going to be crucial to the results.
  • Accessibility improvements are not achieved by speed alone; generalised cost is a combination of time, cost, service quality, reliability and the usability of the time spent in transit. The implication of that is that we should not jump too fast to the conclusion that the cost-effective solution is always to be found in big infrastructure. Particularly on rail, the blend of infrastructure and operations is key. We think the biggest medium term problem on the Transpennine rail line is shortage of capacity and overcrowding for which a significant remedy might be to increase train lengths enabling more people to sit down and work on the train. Recent announcements are a very welcome recognition of the priority of this. (Written Statement 9/12/15).

9.  Next comes the question of the linkage between a given change in accessibility or connectivity and real economic performance. We think there are several needs here

  • A good description of what the important linkages are (? Commuting, Employers Business travel, Logistics?) supported by an analysis of the size of the base flows in the context of the total markets.
  • A discussion of economic modelling approaches which have been tried relatively recently (e.g the LSE’s Spatial Economic Research Centre work for the Northern Way) and which could be used (SERC, 2009). Approaches to estimating static and dynamic agglomeration and land-use change in city centres and associated displacement effects would need to be covered, consistently with the recommendations of the TIEP Report and forthcoming draft guidance (DfT 2014).An important issue is the nature of city competition in the region and we have provided a paper to the Secretariat on simulating the effects of transport changes on competitive vs collaborative behaviour (Shepherd and Ballijepalli, 2015).
  • The above points might be addressed by the Commission in the next three months, at least by setting out the framework for follow up studies. But thirdly, we would like to see some microeconomic work of particular sectors which engage in regional trade either via the labour market through commuting or via the structure of firms through business travel and branch organisation or by the creation of larger markets. For example, suppose Leeds, Sheffield and Manchester were brought closer together. What difference would this make to the economic behaviour and performance of the University sector, financial and legal services, the tourism sector, sports, media, and high end manufacturing, biotechnology etc? Which of these are there reasons to believe are subject to agglomeration economies and might yield additional benefits to the primary accessibility impacts?

10.  Then a slightly different point is to note that the form of the Commission’s question suggests a supply boost to demand response hypothesis; improve the infrastructure and demand response will happen. Going back to our preamble, some of Britain’s problems might better be viewed in opportunity terms. For example, how do we intend to deal with the population growth question, what opportunities does the Transpennine corridor offer and how could better connectivity help? Just to take one example, could Huddersfield, located midway between Leeds and Manchester on the main arteries, have an opportunity for very significant development well beyond an incremental planning approach?

Q2/3 What cost-effective infrastructure investments in city to city connectivity could address these weaknesses?

11.  As observers and occasional consumers, we would say that the scheme ideas set out in the recent Transport for the North report all require consideration (HMG/TfN Nov 2015).  It will not be possible to undertake full appraisal of all these options so some form of shortlisting or early stage assessment method will be needed perhaps relying on a combination of transport modelling and descriptive wider economy  assessment. It is not a foregone conclusion that any or all of the schemes will turn out to represent social value for money.

12. We would specifically like to see a version of HS3 considered which is a physical extension of HS2 between Leeds City and Manchester Piccadilly, extending the reach of the line to include Nottingham, Sheffield and locations in the North-West including Manchester Airport.

13.  Our appreciation is that the kind of infrastructure in the TfN report is long term in nature and needs to be complemented by a medium term strategy which builds on what we have, for example

  • Completion of the Northern Hub.
  • Reopening the second Standedge tunnel to increase overtaking opportunities and provide more train paths.
  • Electrification of York to Manchester (including Micklefield to the ECML/Selby) and the Calder Valley line with delivery of suitable trains as already committed (Network Rail, Nov. 2015).
  • Examination of opportunities for raising line speeds and relieving bottlenecks on existing transpennine routes.
  • Completion of managed motorway M62 from the A1 to Manchester.
  • Completion of the Woodhead Study and consideration of medium term recommendations (DfT, 2015).
  • Final resolution of HS2 Station location in Leeds as proposed by Higgins (see also para 12 above) (HS2, Nov 2015).

Q4 What are the key international connectivity needs and how should they be met?

14.  With few exceptions, international connectivity needs should be provided commercially through open markets. Government should provide a high level sense of direction which, together with the planning system, ensures that wasteful duplication of investment does not occur. Some public support for investment in surface access may be justified where  there are benefits to local and regional as well as international traffic. However arguments that airport or port investment can be transformational should be treated with caution not least because of the two way road argument which particularly affects attempts to calculate UK GVA impacts.  Our general perception is that the international transport infrastructure is adequate for the markets it serves.

15.  We think the overwhelming top priority is to ensure Manchester airport continues to perform its function as the northern international hub. Primarily this is a matter for private airlines to negotiate with MAG. An issue for Government in cases where bilateral agreements constrain the number of permitted aircraft movements is to ensure the interests of the North are fully represented. It is a structural weakness that Manchester has no based hub airline to argue the case and this may have held back route development. Terminal capacity at Manchester is clearly an issue for which there has been much planning.

16.  The other airports should continue to provide the range of services associated with regional airports of various scales. At the upper end, ie Newcastle, Liverpool and Leeds/Bradford, these should continue to include connectivity through Heathrow, Schiphol and other international hubs to complement Manchester’s offering, together with a market-determined range of point to point services.

17.  As far as ports themselves are concerned capacity currently seems if anything to be running ahead of demand. However there are particular issues regarding freight train paths and some routeings are currently quite circuitous and time consuming. It has long been an aspiration that the Liverpool—Hull /Immingham corridor should have TEN-T status and the Commission might wish to consider whether that is a desirable goal and what practical difference it would make.

Q5 What form of governance is required and how should investment be funded?

18.  These questions go to the heart of the likely success or failure of Transport for the North. The functioning of the governance model for city regions including Combined Authorities, LEPs, and District Authorities is only just beginning to settle down and the role of an elected Mayor for the city regions (and even at the time of writing their definition) will take time to define and settle. So we are not dealing with a very stable set of institutions in answering this question. Another point is that governance in these city regions is demanding because the regions are variegated and multi-centric in nature and have many proud cities and towns which will not willingly relinquish their powers in the area of strategic planning and are liable to view big choices as a zero sum game.

19.  This background is both a problem and an opportunity for Transport for the North. It is just possible that a big picture organisation might be capable of persuading local interests that there are bigger prizes at stake if they can work together. An obvious first task is to agree on the fundamental problems and goals at the pan-region level and then to consider the criteria which TfN might wish to use to help determine its priorities. This in itself is no easy task since Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield have different criteria and will need to sink their differences.

20.  Then there are issues of articulation. One unavoidable issue is that much of the strategic network such as the M1, M62, A1 and M60 together with as a minimum the WCML and ECML is bound to be viewed as being of national importance. So how the pan-regional interests and the national interests articulate is clearly an issue. A difficulty conceptually is the position of Highways England and Network Rail. Are these to be viewed both as representing the national interest at the planning table and the responsible agency at the delivery table?  Ultimately TfN will need to acquire the credibility and status of a fully fledged representative of the regional interest whose priorities need to be reconciled with those of central government rather than subordinated.

21.  Probably central to the resolution of these issues is the question of funding. Ultimately responsibility, power and finance have to be lined up together, but that is far down the road and quite possibly will depend on the creation of new revenue streams (e.g road user charging). So far, devolution has meant local responsibility for a nationally funded pot, overseen by Central Government. CG has continued to require devolved authorities to meet its requirements for managing public money and meeting its value for money guidelines. As an interim position that is manageable but is unlikely to be a long-term solution capable of revolutionising the quality of city region governance.

22.  For the foreseeable future we see the way forward being for Transport for the North to have a budget which enables it to promote and undertake additional regional investment in the regional interest, and in having a seat at the table with national government and its agencies in the studies and deliberations which lead up to decisions. That in itself would be a step forward. Our suggestion in Para 4 would provide an economic framework  to help TfN fulfil that role.

18 December 2015
Contact for enquires: Professor Peter Mackie, email:


Department for Transport (March 2015) Transpennine Routes – Feasibility Study Summary.
Department for Transport (November 2014) Transport Infrastructure and Economic Performance (TIEP).
HM Government/ Transport for the North (March 2015) The Northern Powerhouse : One Agenda, One Economy, One North. DfT Publications, London.
HM Government/Transport for the North (November 2015) The Northern Transport Strategy Autumn Report.
HS2 (November 2015) The Yorkshire Hub – an interim report on the redevelopment of Leeds Station.
Network Rail (November 2015) The Hendy Review- Replanning Network Rail’s Investment Programme.
Shepherd S. and Ballijepalli C. (2015) A game of two cities: A toll setting game with experimental results . Transport Policy 38, pp 95-109.
Spatial Economics Research Centre LSE (November 2009) Strengthening Economic Linkages between Leeds and Manchester – feasibility and implications. Report to Northern Way. See also September 2010 review by Laird and Mackie.
Written Statement (9/12/15) Rail Franchising: Northern and TransPennine Express franchises . Secretary of State for Transport.

Liberalising the European rail passenger market – the British experience

In this article for European Rail Review,  Professor Chris Nash and Dr Andrew Smith take a look at how Britain has coped with rail passenger liberalisation, what has happened to rail demand and costs, plus what possible solutions there might be to the problems experienced.

Since 2007, the European rail freight market has been completely open to new entry, and according to the most recent EC Rail Market Monitoring report, by 2012 considerable new entry had occurred. In 11 countries entrants held 20% or more of the market, although the EVES-rail study in which we participated could find no evidence of an impact of new entry on either costs or rail market share. By contrast, liberalisation of the passenger market was only required for international services, and only a handful of countries had gone further. In Britain, all passenger services had been taken over by new entrants, almost entirely through competitive tendering for franchises for profitable as well as unprofitable routes, with a very small number of services run commercially by open access operators. Elsewhere in Europe, by 2012 only in Sweden and Germany had new entrants gained more than 15% of the suburban and regional market; there was significant open access operation in the Czech Republic, Italy and Austria, but the biggest share of the long-distance market taken by new entrants was 7%.

Thus the experience of Britain is of particular importance, and at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) we have studied this extensively; a review of our work with references can be found in: Andrew S.J. Smith and Christopher Nash (2014) Rail Efficiency: Cost Research and Its Implications for Policy. Discussion Paper No 2014-22, International Transport Forum. In the next section we discuss the form that liberalisation in Britain took. We then look in turn at what has happened to rail demand and costs, and discuss possible solutions to the problems experienced before reaching our conclusions.

Rail passenger liberalisation in Britain
Over the period 1994-1997, almost all British rail passenger operations were divided into 25 companies, which were then offered as franchises to the most favourable bids. Minimum service levels were specified and some fares controlled, and bids invited in terms of the annual subsidy required (or premium offered) through what would normally be a 7-10 year franchise. The infrastructure was placed in a separate company, Railtrack, and privatised by sale of shares. Freight was also privatised by outright sale.

Within very few years, two crises hit the new structure. The first and most important was the placing of Railtrack into administration following an escalation of the costs of the major West Coast Main Line   upgrade, and a massive increase in spending on maintenance and renewals generally following a fatal accident at Hatfield caused by a broken rail. But at the same time, the franchising process was in difficulties, with no fewer than five franchises close to bankruptcy having been unable to reduce costs to the extent foreseen. As a result, the infrastructure became the responsibility of a new not-for-dividend company, Network Rail, whose borrowings were guaranteed by the state, whilst a number of franchises were renegotiated or replaced with short-run management contracts, pending refranchising. As we shall see, during this period of disruption, costs of both infrastructure and train operations rose substantially, and ever since there has been a struggle to get them back under control.

Rail demand since privatisation
Figure 1 shows the remarkable performance of rail demand since franchising. An early ITS study found the increase in demand to be mainly due to external factors such as rising incomes, increasing road congestion and rises in the costs of motoring. Also, it was initially a franchise condition that regulated fares should increase at less than the rate of inflation, and train kilometres also rose as demand grew. However, part of the increase in traffic could not be explained by the model and might be attributed to improved marketing and customer service post privatisation. But the continued growth of rail demand through the economic crisis of 2008 remains remarkable and not fully understood. The total liberalisation of railway operations through franchising, and the very strong incentives to grow revenue resulting from the adoption of net cost contracts to a much greater extent than in other European countries, may have played a role.

ERR figure 1 jpeg
Figure 1:  Franchised rail passenger km, Great Britain, 1996-2014 (source :ORR).

As aforementioned, the position regarding costs is a lot less favourable. Between 1996/1997 and 2005/2006, real cost per passenger train kilometre rose by some 35%, with the biggest increase being in infrastructure costs but also a significant increase in train operating costs. Since then, unit costs have been reduced, but in 2011/2012 it remained 25% higher than at the completion of franchising
(see Table 1).
ERR table 1

In the case of infrastructure, ITS was responsible for the benchmarking work initiated by the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) to determine what level of cost reduction it should assume in its regulatory settlement. Figure 2 shows how Britain was performing relative to the efficiency frontier estimated based on a sample of other European countries at the time of the 2008 regulatory review of Network Rail’s finances. It is clear that the cost increase at the time of Hatfield led to Network Rail falling well below European best-practice, a decline from which it is only slowly recovering. Adjusting for the failure to maintain renewals at a steady state level considerably reduced the performance pre Hatfield but has little impact on the efficiency scores for later years. ORR set targets based on the efficiency gap of approximately 40% identified in Figure 2  and Network Rail has been steadily improving efficiency in line with those targets, though there is some way to go yet, as recent delays and cost overruns on major new projects shows.

ERR figure 2
Figure 2: Profile of Network Rail Efficiency Scores: Preferred Model (source: Smith & Nash 2014)

What is more interesting is the situation regarding franchising. Studies by ITS have identified a number of reasons why franchising may have been less successful in Britain than in some other countries. Firstly, the placing of some franchises on management contracts clearly increased their costs, although costs returned to expected levels after refranchising. Secondly, we found that typically British franchises were inefficiently large – much larger than in countries such as Germany and Sweden – and also in some cases lost economies of density by splitting services on the same route between more than one operator – although such economies of density are limited when the services are diverse in their characteristics, such as the type of rolling stock needed to run them. Thirdly, we found that competition between train operators for scarce skilled staff, particularly drivers, had pushed up salaries in the industry much faster than in the economy as a whole. In most countries, winners of franchises had the opportunity to bring in their own staff, with different salaries and conditions to those of the incumbent; in Britain, the winner of a franchise took over an existing company and its staff. True, having taken over they could seek to implement changes in working practices and salary structures, but with relatively short franchises, it appears that the incentives to do this were inadequate. Another piece of work we undertook concluded that short franchises had led to a short-term view by franchisees when they took the lead in procuring rolling stock, reducing incentives for innovations to reduce life cycle costs.

The McNulty report in 2011 considered the way in which vertical separation between infrastructure manager and train operators had worked to be a major factor in the cost increase. Our work found some evidence that the transaction costs of negotiating, monitoring and enforcing contracts was a factor, although this would not amount to more than a few per cent increase in systems costs. More significantly, the EVES-rail study found evidence that complete vertical separation on densely used networks raised costs, and concluded that this was due to a lack of incentives for the infrastructure manager and train operators to work together to optimise system costs.

Possible solutions
The McNulty study concluded that longer franchises and joint ventures between the infrastructure manager and franchisees were important measures to improve efficiency. South West Trains formed the prototype for the latter, by implementing a structure in which the staff of the two bodies in the area concerned were merged under a common management, and changes in both costs and revenues shared. Of course, this will only overcome the problem of misalignment of incentives where almost all train services in the area in question are run by a single operator. Where, as in Britain, most services are passenger trains run under franchises that may be the case but will not be where freight accounts for a larger proportion of operations. But government seems to have reversed its initial acceptance of the case for longer franchises, whilst arguing reasonably that each case should be taken on its merits. An alternative approach to alignment of incentives is for services to be run under short contracts but with heavy intervention by the franchising authority on issues such as working practices and choice of rolling stock. That is essentially the approach taken in London to the London Overground franchise.

As noted in this article’s opening paragraphs, there is an alternative way of introducing competition into rail passenger services, and that is by implementing open access for new commercial operators to enter the market. A recent report from the British Competition and Markets Authority strongly advocates this approach. It does have the advantages of making competition a continuous process, rather than something occurring only when a new franchise is awarded, and encouraging innovations which may be ruled out by the conditions of the franchise. It allows new operators to come in with their own salary structures and working practices, though splitting up output between operators could result in loss of economies of density. The cost implications in any given situation are hard to forecast. But it also has very real disadvantages. It will make getting a well-planned integrated timetable on the route more difficult. The evidence on economies of density suggests that splitting similar operations on a single route between operators will, other things being equal, raise costs, whilst it will also rule out the sort of deep alliances with the infrastructure manager referred to above. At present, experience of open access competition in Britain is limited to niche markets by a decision that it should not be permitted where it is primarily abstracting revenue from the franchisee, and it will be to countries where it is more extensive – Italy, the Czech Republic and Sweden – that we need to look for experience.

The British experience of rail passenger liberalisation has been mixed. In terms of demand, the last 20 years have been a period of amazing success – although there is still a lack of clear evidence on the part franchising has played in this. It is with respect to costs that the results are disappointing.

A number of lessons arise from the British experience. Firstly, it is important to resume competitive tendering for contracts as soon as possible after failure of a franchise. Secondly, it is important to consider the appropriate size and configuration of franchises from the point of view of cost efficiency and risk of failure. Strong economic regulation is also important in terms of ensuring access and pressure for improved efficiency on infrastructure managers. But most importantly, it is necessary to consider carefully how to give appropriate incentives to all parties to work together to optimise long-term system costs. In British circumstances, this means either franchises in which many of the key decisions regarding working practices and investment are reserved for government bodies, or long franchises coupled with deep alliances between the franchisee and Network Rail. Whilst such alliances are increasingly coming into existence at refranchising, it is not clear that the 7-10 year franchises which are again the norm are long enough to give adequate incentives to tackle the need to improve working practices and to innovate in terms of rolling stock, and government has taken to intervening directly on these issues (for instance, procuring rolling stock itself and requiring one person operation). Regulation and contracts can only go so far in achieving the required alignment of incentives.

The authors are grateful to the International Transport Forum for permission to reproduce tables and figures from Smith and Nash (2014), and to colleagues Professor Mark Wardman and Dr Phill Wheat for their contribution to the research discussed in this paper.

Using big data to improve transport’s green credentials

Professor Susan Grant-Muller

One of  a series of podcast interviews (audio only) by the Transport Systems Catapult, entitled ‘Exchanging knowledge and sharing ideas on Intelligent Mobility’ in which experts highlight key areas on the road to Intelligent Mobility and to discuss their visions of the future.

The kind of research that I do concerns mobility profiling and the use of intelligent incentives, so that people can make more sustainable choices about the way that they travel and if they travel at all. It concerns the Big Data picture within the whole scenario that goes with low carbon futures, the green agenda, eco-savings and so on. I’m very keen that within this we do actually engage with real–life people because, in my view, too much Big Data experimentation is taking place with so called friendly-users, who are people in the same work place as the people doing the research or students and so on. So I’m very keen that we get out and really engage with real-life members of the public.

One of the questions that is asked of me sometimes by members of the public is: ‘What do you think would incentivise me to change, I have a routine and I have a habit in terms of the transport choices that I make?’ Here are some examples of the kinds of things that we do; I think we are all familiar with things like Nectar and the points system, where we are rewarded from the consumer choices that we make within the supermarkets, also some train operators use it as well. Now points are very nice because it actually gives the choice of reward back to the person who is earning the reward. That means that we don’t have to struggle with what kind of person this is, what their likes and dislikes are. People like to accrue points. We know this from different schemes that are out there, ranging from making transport choices, booking particular services online to making choices in supermarkets. So points are one (type of incentive).

We also talk about information as being a positive incentive as well. People who are properly informed about the choices that are available to them actually feel very well incentivised to be able to reconsider the way that they’re making journeys. We have  done serious games – Gamifications. These are challenges for the section of the population who really like to engage in this way.

We feedback information to people as well, which is a different kind of incentive. For example, knowing what your carbon footprint is for a particular kind of journey and knowing that you could halve it, through making a different kind of journey or a journey by a different mode – for some people that actually is the clue to triggering them into reconsidering their situation.

Then there are a variety of other things that we have used and maybe will use, so things like a free muffin and a coffee at a local café or a restaurant could be an incentive. We have also played around with things like cinema tickets, so we work with a variety of third party suppliers in terms of what these things could be and we are very keen to engage with providers of incentives and to explore what the business model is for people to be a provider of incentives in this kind of transport scheme.

The Challenges 
It is about different kinds of people working together, rather than us doing research in our particular niche, because we are all experts in our niche and we are all keen to continue as experts. But, actually we need to broaden our horizons and work with people who are legal experts or ethicists, specialists in different kinds of technology. People work in different modes. I think that we have got a lot to learn from the aviation sector for example about automation and we need to start to have that dialogue rather than seeing that community as doing its research (separately to us) and ourselves looking at highways and road surface transport related research. So really a lot of the blockages I think will start to become unlocked by us working together.

The Future
In terms of Big Data I think we will continue to collect it.  I think many of the debates that are running at the moment will be closed down very, very quickly. Even over the last two years I’ve seen the agenda shift very quickly in terms of some of the issues. But I think that we will see far more in the way of embedded sensors around the (transport) system and a real stripping out of the tangible visible evidence of those sensors being around us. I think we will see a restoring of the landscape, motorways for example, will be stripped of their gantry’s, a lot of the urban spaces will be greened and the traffic signals and lights and so on will be gone and we will be back in, it sounds a little bit utopian and maybe this is wishful thinking, but I think we’ll be back in some very pleasant liveable cities and communities.

Chair in Transport and Energy

The Institute is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Jillian Anable to a Chair in Transport and Energy, beginning in January 2016.

Jillian joins ITS as a key figure in the debate around how best to approach the decarbonisation of transport and the challenges associated with developing effective policy for behavioural transitions. Professor Greg Marsden, Institute Director said:

“Jillian is a recognised leader in the transport and energy debate and will be a major addition to the critical mass of energy research underway at Leeds as well as broadening our team looking at behaviour change.”

Jillian’s research addresses the potential for demand-side solutions to reduce carbon and energy from transport; her intellectual interests span the social sciences. She joins ITS from the Centre for Transport Research at the University of Aberdeen.

Having completed her joint honours degree in Geography and European studies and an MSc in Urban Planning, she undertook an ESRC PhD Studentship at Imperial College (Centre for Environmental Technology). Her doctoral work applied social psychological theories and market segmentation techniques to assess the potential to influence patterns of leisure travel. She is now an expert in travel behaviour, car ownership and vehicle choice and the implications of these on the energy system. This includes the evaluation of policy interventions at local and national scales designed to influence private and business travel behaviour involving the design, management and analysis of large mixed methods studies involving primary and secondary datasets. The latter has had particular impact on scientific and policy thinking related to ‘Smarter Choice’ (or ‘soft’) interventions with evaluation work including Scotland’s Smarter Choices, Smarter Places Programme, the Energy Technology Institute’s Plug-in Vehicles and Infrastructure Consumer project and a large segmentation study across six European cities to understand the impact of this approach on the design and effectiveness of mobility management strategies.

She has authored or co-authored over 50 academic peer-reviewed journal articles and research reports with projects mainly funded by UK Research Councils, the Energy Technologies Institute, the UK Department for Transport, Scottish Government and the European Union. Recent work has been aligned with EPSRC’s emphasis on interdisciplinary research addressing end use energy demand including Motoring and Car Ownership Trends in the UK (‘MOT’),  Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand (‘DEMAND’), the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC), and Disruption. She has sat on a number of advisory boards and strategy panels for UK Government Departments, National Research Councils and NGOs, including the RCUK’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Energy, The Commission for Integrated Transport, Greener Journeys, Carplus and the Campaign for Better Transport. She is a founding editorial board member of the journal Energy Efficiency.

Why adaptability is the key to coping with transport disasters

Article by Professor Greg Marsden for The Conversation.

Floods caused by Storm Desmond left more than 2,500 homes without power, washed away bridges, closed schools and hospitals and caused serious damage to homes and businesses across swathes of northern England and Scotland.

Meanwhile, the closure of the Forth Road Bridge due to structural defects has left 100,000 people, along with major corporations such as Amazon, facing large diversions and substantial delays. At times such as this, a cottage industry in back-of-the-envelope calculations rushes to estimate the disastrous costs to the economy.

Infrastructure failures and natural disasters are facts of life. While the agencies responsible for maintaining our infrastructure such as Network Rail and Transport Scotland seek to protect us against the biggest and most common problems, it rarely stacks up economically, financially or politically to guard against low probability, high risk events. And even if they did try to do this, they would be unable to cater for all possibilities. The risks posed by climate change and terrorism are notoriously difficult to predict, so significant failures of some kind would still occur.

Of course, the responses of emergency services and public transport providers do have a big impact on how quickly things can return to normal. Providing extra bus or rail services, and dedicated lanes for buses or goods vehicles, can help people to resume their daily routines. For example, in Edinburgh, an extra 11,000 bus seats and 6,500 rail seats are being provided to cope with the Forth Road Bridge closure. Even so, these measures are unlikely to match up to the numbers of people that would normally be on the roads, and train and bus stations probably are not ready to cope with such a big surge in demand.

Silver linings

So, instead of just trying to maintain our usual routines in the face of huge disruptions, we should see these events as opportunities to try out new ways of doing things and getting places. Indeed, there is a significant body of research which tells us that, if well managed, major changes to the availability or quality of transport and infrastructure services need not be catastrophic for quite so many people.

A good example is the success of the travel management strategies put in place for the London Olympics in 2012, and the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014. In both cities, significant efforts were made to adapt transport services. But these only worked when combined with the adaptability of businesses and the flexibility shown by commuters.

Yet this capacity for social adaptation can’t simply be switched on and off – it needs to be developed. Most of us have regular and clearly defined travel patterns, developed around the demands of our day-to-day lives: we base our home, work, schooling and leisure choices around an increasingly complex and time constrained pattern of journeys. And for each of these journeys, we have a set of expectations as to its likely length and quality, based on different modes of transport.

If we can relax some of the constraints around which we structure our everyday lives, then it will be much easier for us to adapt when things don’t go according to plan.

The path less travelled

For one thing, we can exercise a surprising amount of flexibility just by drawing on our social resources. Recent research on transport disruptions found that, for disturbances lasting up to a week, people were as likely to postpone and rearrange trips as to cancel them. Asking colleagues to assist with work trips, coordinating family or neighbours to help with school runs, and shopping in new locations can all help us to deal with disasters.

Likewise, where personal circumstances allow it, rearranging schedules and leaving earlier or later from jobs or activities can go a long way toward making disasters manageable. Workplace flexibility is crucial here: bosses must be adaptable when it comes to the timing of shifts, tolerating lateness or encouraging working from home.

It is much easier to take alternative routes or means of transport when you’ve tried them out before. Those who are already familiar with more than one way of getting to work are better able to adapt. The good news is that two-thirds of people already use more than one means of transport each week. And planned outages, such as strikes, can also offer less chaotic opportunities to experiment with new routes and modes of transport.

We will be more resilient to a range of problems if we foster a future where everyone is a little less dependent on their cars, and a little better equipped to manage without them. The added appeal of this approach is that travelling less by car more generally would also help us to tackle congestion problems, long-term climate change obligations and the obesity crisis, in ways which suring up our infrastructure will not.

There’s no doubt that engineering solutions such as flood defences and investment in preventative bridge and road maintenance have a major role to play when it comes to trying to prevent catastrophes. But as a society, we should also be trying to make it easier for people to be more flexible and also more multi-modal, more of the time.